Create a Partition having size 100MB and mount it on /data

1.# fdisk -l to see the partition table.
2.Now used following command:-
# fdisk /dev/sda
i>now type n for new partition.
ii>It will ask you for primary or logical partition.Press l for logical partition.
iii>It will ask for starting cylinder:Use defaults by pressing enter key.
iv>Type the size:+100M (You also can specify last cylinder size here)
v> Press P to verify partition lists and remember partition name.
vi>Press w to write on partition table.
3.# init6 (restart)
4.# mkdir /data(Create a new directory name /data)
5.# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda10 (Here /dev/sda10 is a partition name)
# mke2fs -j /dev/sda10 (Create a ext3 partition)
6.Open /etc/fstab file:-
write following line:-
/dev/sda10 /data ext3 defaults 1 2 (Save the file)
7.# mount /dev/sda10 /data


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